Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The T-Mobile Dance

First Post

Hi, my name is Ashley Carter, and this is the first blog that I have ever had!! I am already really excited about this class because I am sure it will broaden my horizons and teach me about things that I hear about but do not actually know about. I singed up for RTF 305 because I needed a communications class outside of my major. I am currently pursuing a degree in Advertising, but I am not sure that is really what I want to do. I thought RTF sounded interesting when my advisor was explaining what the class was about. As I stated earlier, I do not know what I want to do, so I thought this class would be good to take so that I might find something that really interest me or even if I find out that I don’t want to have anything to do with these industries.

After the first couple of classes I feel that I will enjoy the class, because of the exciting new things that I am already learning, such as making this blog. I found that the readings for chapter one were not difficult and were actually very interesting. I love to learn and I can not wait to see what else I can learn about other types of media.
I do read http://www.doriegreenspan.com/recipes/ it is a blog about different recipes.

This is a commercial for T mobile, that I found of www.youtube.com.